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Wednesday 11 August 2010

Blog 87: Sexy Somethings

According to the deodorant advert which butchers the Cure song Close to Me, "77% of women feel sexier when their underarms look good."
But what they don't mention are these following facts, which are also ALL TRUE.

67% of women feel sexier when they aren't made from clay.
89% of women feel less sexy when covered in mud or sewage.
43% of women breathe on a frequent basis, often several times a day.
75% of women watch television at least once during their lifetime. This doesn't apply to women who lived prior to the invention of the television.
67% of straight men prefer women to men when looking for a life partner. Similarly, 68% of homosexual men prefer men to women when looking for a partner.
54% of chocolate bars contain actual chocolate.
88% of carpet manufacturers make carpets.

Perhaps what isn't surprising is these above facts but the fact that TWENTY THREE PER CENT OF WOMEN FEEL EITHER SEXIER OR THE SAME AMOUNT OF SEXINESS WITH UGLY ARMPITS. Which makes no sense.
I'm not saying if you have ugly arm pits then you're unbearably hideous, but if someone had ugly armpits and then they became nice armpits, just like it would be with every other part of the human body, they would feel a teeny bit sexier. Guess what? 100% men feel sexier when they have nice arm pits too.
That's science.

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