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Monday 28 November 2011

Blog 123 - My Cow Experience


Watch this, but beware it's got strong language plus some pretty disturbing stuff is said.
And then I'm gonna rip her apart the only way I know how. Point by point dissection of what she says swivel kicked into her silly little head. She'll never read this, because she's probably illiterate. But I'll write it anyway.

It begins "what's this country come to, a load of black people and a load of ____ing polish?" she then slurs a bit, and goes "see what I mean?"

Instantly, and I'm not Sherlock Holmes, we can see she's not all there. I mean, 1) she can't talk, and 2) anyone else think it'd be silly to sit there slagging off foreigners on a tram full of foreigners? She even goes on to point out everyone who's not english. Good idea.

Next up, "sort out your own countries, don't come and see mine. Britain's nothing now...my britain is F__ all now, britain is F__ all."
Cos of people like you.

When it's pointed out to her that there's little kids, she says "yeah fine, I've got a little kid here". You shouldn't.

"go back to where you come from, go back to F__ing niggagriga" (or something). So she didn't get an A for geography, I imagine. At this point the guy behind her stands up and I'm so annoyed at the person next to him cos this woman needs a slap.

The african woman points out that if they weren't here to do the jobs they do, they wouldn't get done. Which is definitely true. The racist goes mental saying that she works and this is her British country, and that the african woman isn't british because she's black.

Then the other english woman goes sick on the racist which is wicked. Good for her.

How many times will people have to keep reminding people like this that nobody's pure english anymore. In fact, it's because england was so rubbish that we're a mix of almost all of Europe. Britain's greatest time was probably the British Empire (made up of lots of different countries) and that was WAY after pure englishness had been lost in a sea of french, spanish, italian, german, scandinavian etc.

Sorry this post is a bit serious. But this blog's mainly for me, to be honest. And my one reader, James :P

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