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Monday 10 August 2009

Blog 27: University Approaches

On the 20th August, I find out what grades I get at A-Level and wether I go to University or not in September. And if I do get in, I have to uproot my whole life and just move away. It's like going on holiday, except for 4 years, and you don't just take some clothes, you take pretty much everything you own, plus some other stuff you buy.
The thing is, I'm just not ready! I'm only 18! How am I supposed to survive on my lonesome?
It's insane. I can tell what will happen. For the first term I will just get really ill off a bad diet, and then by winter, I will catch swine flu and in my already feeble bad-diet state, I will probably die, and then nobody will notice me for years, and eventually some Alsatians will eat me a' la Bridget Jones. 
So by September I need to know how to cook, how to wash clothes and stuff, how to iron (although I might just not)...pretty much how to do everything.
Oh, and apparently, unless you're like the richest guy ever, you WILL go into debt at uni. So I'll have to do all this on £0. 
Most kids apparently spend £40 on alcohol a month; that's the average anyway. What a load of rubbish. They deffo spend more than that. However, because I'm not a massive drinker, I can use this money more effectively, like comics, or DVDs, or PS2 games, or even chocolate. 
So by next year, my plans are to; have wasted my first year without learning much; run out of money; have no friends; be robbed; be beaten up; and of course, to have died of swine flu.

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