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Wednesday 6 May 2009

Blog 26: Long Road to 50

This rant is all about obesity and exercise.
The government is planning on putting a tax on chocolate. My loyal followers, numbering 11, will all shout "OH NO YOU'VE RANTED ABOUT THIS BEFORE" and yes I have, it's true (Blog 17 if you're interested. 
BUT it wasn't until last Thursday that I realised the TRUE reason behind this problem.
The Government is talking about taxing chocolate, and television is junk food ad free, but last Thursday in my hour PE lesson, I did 8 minutes exercise. That meant I was sitting there or getting changed for the other 52 minutes. 
I think I've found the REAL problem. 
The PE staff at my school are incredibly disorganised. If there is one staff member missing, we all get sent home instead of PE. 
Once, my class got changed, ran outside, got a ball out and two goals and started playing football, and a PE teacher came out and told us that we had to go home; there isn't enough staff. We asked if we could play football by ourselves, and the answer was no. Our hour of exercise went out the window, and instead we walked home.
More recently they have decided to split us into 3 groups for 3 different sports, rather than many more groups which would end up with teacher "lackage". They choose rounders, which girls own boys at in our school, tennis, for which we have 3 courts, and basketball, another three courts.
I chose basketball, and they play a tournament every week, of 4 minute matches, and full size court which means there is one court at a time.
Last week, not only am I already playing tiny 4 minute matches, but they decided to give us a talk about the new school gym, and how much membership would cost (even though we helped pay for it in the first place.)
Now, I don't go to the gym, but if I did, I would be put off by the fact that it costs more than the actual gym in our town. The school prides itself over its better machinery, but, a running machine is a running machine, (and I can do that outside). SO i wasted my entire hour listening to a load of useless crap, EXCEPT of course for the 8 minutes of exercise I had. 
My heart rate raised itself more just typing this. 

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