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Friday 15 June 2012

Blog 130: The Ad Dominizer, Part 3

Back to adverts that proper wind me up

11) The Sainsbury's/EasyJet one where the confused man is confronted by questions usually only heard in the context of an airport, but in Sainsbury's. It winds me up because 1) if he's so confused, why doesn't he just ask what's going on and 2) his lips are far too pink to genuinely belong to his face.

12) The Foxy Bingo ads either side of Jeremy Kyle... I'm sure I've done this one before at some point, but there's too much awkward silence in those ads, and between the silences and the winks that the fox does and when he asks "are you a foxy lady?" it just kinda becomes a little bit creepy, like perve creepy. A dirty pervy little fox. Yukk.

13) PPI ads. I really don't care. Plus one of them's got a guy in it that looks too much like the Jack Davenport, the actor who plays Norrington from Pirates of the Carribean or the questionnably named assistant to the baddy in the Boat that Rocked (Good film).

14) Urgh, there's sooo many bad adverts. The Sun's one with the 'The Sun will come out tomorrow' song from Annie. This one's actually not too bad, it annoys me because when it came out and I saw it for the first time I was captured by it and sat there wondering to myself who it's for, trying to think through big brands..."hmmm, who's going to bring out the Sun tomorrow with their products?" and then it's the Sun. It's so obvious and it made me realise how dumb I am. So, even though it's quite good, I don't like it.

15) "If you feel you have to go to the toilet too often" Yeahhh I'm trying to eat lunch.

More to come...

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