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Thursday 26 March 2009

Blog 17: Fatty Mc Fat Fat

The GOVERNMENT is talking about putting a tax on chocolate to reduce child obesity.
As if that is the single thing affecting the weight of kids nowadays; mcdonald's ain't nuthin to do with it, and neither is lack of excersise, it's all freaking chocolate?
I know the real reason for child obesity. It's simple:
We all remember the days (heck I still get 'em) when we're in our PE lesson and we're made to play a sport which we're not good at. The sporty kids, yeh, woo-hoo, they're amazing, they have loads of fun, yippy doo excellent well done have a rabbit.
HOWEVER, the less sporty kids are left alone, not being picked for teams, not having the ball passed to them, and therefore not being able to run and get excersise, and also becoming depressed at a) the fact they suck, and b) the fact that nobody likes them cos they suck.
SO what do they do? They get all upset and everyone knows the ONLY solution to depression is eating. They begin to eat.
The more they eat, the fatter they get. The fatter they get, the less able they are at sport, the less they get passed to, the less happy they are with themselves, the more depressed they are, the more they eat, and so on.
It's a vicous circle.

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