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Thursday 11 August 2011

Blog 115: Holiday Diary 2

Spinazzola - Day 3

So after 2 days at the beach we had a mahooosive lie in on day 3. We were in bed til 8.30!!! My parents are such squares.

And then we stayed home for a bit. Me and my sister watched Monsters Inc followed by half of Carrie, then we all had lunch and went to the swimming pool, which was nice because it was basically empty, and has green grass! ACTUAL GREEN GRASS.

But we began to slowly realise that the people who worked at the pool were horrifying racists. At first when I caught one of the gorgeous pool attendant ladies looking my way I thought, hello, this is good! Then I remembered my Mum and Dad were with me so left it well alone. And when they asked everyone to join in the darts and volleyball games, they left us out because they figured out that we were pasty white English people.

In the evening me and my brother went for a prowl, see who’s who and what’s going down. Well, literally nothing is going down, except DJ Fox was blasting out some blazin’ tarantella and the oldies were gettin’ jiggy wi’it. So we sat on a bench, looking for people our age to hang out with. Literally. Nobody. I’m glad I brought my laptop now.

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