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Sunday 14 August 2011

Blog 118: Holiday Diary 4

Spinazzola - Day 6, probably?

So I have no idea what day we’re on. I think yesterday we went to a swimming pool with slides in, which was fun. I met some Canadians, and I asked them “What brings you guys out here in the middle of nowhere then?” meaning, why are you here and not someone where there’s loads to do, they answered “Vacation”. I didn’t speak to them again.

Today we walked around town a bit then had dinner with the extended ffffaaaammmmiiiillllyyyy. I realised there’s a band in Spinazzola that never stops playing. Literally. Just walks around all the time playing songs in their smart costumes playing songs non-stop. You have to be really mindful where they are in relation to you. If you’re in the street and you hear the band start playing behind you, then run, because if they catch you, the Tubas suck you in, because they don’t get any other chance to eat.
That’s all that’s happened today. I’m understandably bored.

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