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Sunday 14 August 2011

Blog 119: Holiday Diary 5

Spinazzola - Day 7 or 8

That’s the lovely line at the end of American Pie 5, followed by the one who says this having sex with the one he says it to, so it’s instantly undermined by boobies, just like everything else in the world really.

That’s what I’m watching now by the way, and can I say that it’s the best part of my day, other than perhaps the drive to where we visited.

We went to Matera. For those of you who’ve seen the Passion of the Christ, (and I haven’t), Matera’s where it was filmed. And there’s literally nothing there. So that was my day today. Visiting a place where literally nothing ever happened. Jesus didn’t die there, but someone pretending to be him pretended to die there. That’s all. Also, Mel Gibson probably walked around there a bit.

And we saw where that went down.

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