Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Blog 49: An Enemies List
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Blog 48: Hypocrisy
Friday, 4 December 2009
Blog 47: Unreasonable Tormenting
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Blog 46: What To Write About?
I watched the Notebook last night (or some of it). The person I watched it with, called Kathi, promised I'd want to turn it off after 15 minutes and I thought "no I'll give it a fair chance I'll watch the whole thing and judge fairly at the end".
After 15 minutes I wanted to turn it off. It was rubbish. I literally DID NOT CARE what happened to those two people AT ALL.
In fairness I didn't know what was going on 'cos fortunately kathi was there to talk to me; if I'd watched that much of that film on my own I would literally be dead right now, on the student sofa in my student flat, dribbling blood out the side of my mouth and with my lungs and kidneys coughed up on the floor in the corner. I really didn't like that film.
The only bits I remember from it is two old people and a fat lady in hospital, then a man lying in the road and having to run out the way of a truck (who made no attempt to slow down, which was interesting, cos I would've sped up if i knew the film coulda ended sooner) and the couple nearly having sex in a cobweb house and then two people doing a synchronized dive when being hit by a bomb. I also remember a man who had a surfboard tied to his back asking a nurse out, and I remember he said "You should know, I'm a good dancer and my intentions are completely dishonorable." Sorry half burnt cadaver boy but you ain't gonna score by telling a normal girl that you wanna go out with her purely for sex, especially when you're mostly made of bandage.
Then I remember the other man builds a nice house, and she gets proposed to by the cadaver man when he's better, who's played by cyclops from x-men, and then there's a really cool jazz guy on the stage scatting, and then I remember getting quite angry and going "I REALLY DON'T WANT TO WATCH THIS" and so we watched the beginning of Blade (which is really cool, despite being basically rubbish) and then a bit of the Mighty Boosh Live.
That's my review of the Notebook.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Blog 45: A Glorious Time Approaches...
BUT, coincidentally, Christmas and New Year Approaches, as does the end of the first ever decade in this particular millenium: it's a big event... and to celebrate, the next few blogs will be ones of glorious content, colliding together on the beginning of 2010, maybe even just after midnight on New Year's Eve/New Year's Day! It's gonna be SWEEEEEET.
Keep watching: it's never been a better time to be a follower of this blog...
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Blog 44: Entry 14
I spent all summer with Trevor but I didn’t really write much in the diary…I didn’t write any at all actually. I learnt a lot about Trevor whilst being with him all that time. He would like people to know that he is a boy. He’s not feminine at all, and anyone would know he’s male, but he seems to do things to make people see how manly he is. He eats really spicy food and drinks alcohol. Over summer he got a little tipsy and open mouth kissed another boy. I was surprised at this because I didn’t know Trevor knew there was such a thing as open mouth kissing. He seemed to experience a sense of shame about that so I guess that’s a sign that he’s not growing up into someone with homosexual tendencies.
This is the last Trev diary i'm afraid... at least, it is for now...
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Blog 43: Entry 13
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Blog 42: Entry 12
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Blog 41: Entry 11
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Blog 40: Entry 10
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Blog 39: Entry 9
Blog 38: Entry 8
Monday, 19 October 2009
Blog 37: Entry 7
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Blog 36: Entry 6
Blog 35: Entry 5
Friday, 16 October 2009
Blog 34: Entry 4
Trevor thinks he doesn’t walk a bit funny but he does. He says he has stopped walking funny because he trained himself too. I guess he doesn’t walk as funny, but he still holds his right arm bent at the elbow and his hand flopped, with one foot turned inwards slightly.
Also he moves his head around very nervously like a bird, and his eyes are quite wide so he looks pretty wary. Sometimes he lets out a sort of shrieking noise, and it’s really loud.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Blog 33: Entry 3
Monday, 12 October 2009
Blog 32: Entry 2
Trevor can be quite fun sometimes, but sometimes he gets a bit angry at people. This rarely happens with me, but sometimes he does. Like one time, he wrestled another boy over toothpaste, and neither would just back down. He doesn’t mean it badly though, he is just trying to mimic banter.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Blog 31: The First Entry
Entry 1:
Trevor is really insecure. He’s tucked in the corner with his bag and he’s all worried that we are talking about him. He’s just found out about the diary and says not to say anything bad, so I told him we’ll only write the truth. He carried on playing with worms. I don’t know why he likes playing that so much.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Blog 30: The End is the Beginning
Blog 29: City Life
Friday, 25 September 2009
Blog 28: Life - Phase 2
Monday, 10 August 2009
Blog 27: University Approaches
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Blog 26: Long Road to 50
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Blog 25: SPECIAL 25TH BLOG!!!!
Blog 24: Some more from little Me

Blog 23: Secrets...
Monday, 4 May 2009
Blog 22: A New Angle?
15 July 1999
Dear Mr & Mrs Pasquale,
I am writing to you on behalf of (Better blank out the name in case it gets illegal or something) School concerning an incident I dealt with yesterday.
As you may well know I do tend to look upon minor pranks and misdeeds as "boys will be boys" (what if they're pranks done by girls) and tend to deal with them as I believe most parents would. However, even I feel that a serious incident such as happened yesterday cannot be overlooked and needs to be brought to your attention.
Your son Michael (That's Me!) was involved in an act of vandalism against property. Fortunately for our school I do not think (and hope) that (Church X) staff are aware of what happened. If the Reverend B had become aware of the incident I feel that he would be within his rights to withdraw permission for us to use the church in the future. At this time (Miss R) was unaware of the extent of the vandalism - had she and (Mrs H) realised the damage that has been done it would have ruined their evening and deeply saddened them.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Blog 21: Tweet Tweet
The problem is, you have a limited amount of letters, which means you hv2 abbrvt unecsrly and write only a little bit of what you are doing. If you’re writing an essay, listening to Guns N’ Roses and chatting to a friend on facebook, you have to choose one or the other, you’re not allowed to do all three.
I don’t know why they’re so tight about that.
Also, unless you’re someone famous, (like I’m subscribed to Russell Brand’s, although I never have time to read it) you’re not going to be doing much of interest. I’ve often just typed in, basically because if I didn’t I’d feel bad, that I’m “not doing much” or I’m doing homework. Big woop, I’m sure the entire globe wants to know that.
Also, on the rare occasion that you are doing something interesting, say like skydiving, you’re gonna be too involved in that to even whip out your iPhone and tell twitter, so by the time you come to write what you’re doing, all you’re doing is being on twitter…
Having said all this, I still have a twitter account. I’ll probably go write “I’ve just posted a blog” on there right now.
Blog 20: Mishearings
The other day me and some friends were walking down the corridor and chatting, and then a teacher from half way down the corridor behind us told us off for our language…thing is, we didn’t know what it was that we said. We thought about it and concluded that she had misheard me saying “freakin” and had a go. It really annoyed me, ‘cos she was really cross and shouted at us, and she doesn’t even know whats going on. She was quite far away, and we were talking in the other direction, there were other kids having chats there as well and it was easy for her to mishear words, as she did, yet she still had a go as if she knew exactly what we said.
I don’t think we should bring back the death penalty if that’s what happens.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Blog 11: An Imposter Extremist!
However, I saved it on my computer with the intention of republishing it once I arrived at Uni and no longer knew the victim.
Well, cleverly, my computer wiped it, so although this may appear to be the same, it is merely an imposter.
Here we go...
God creates the Earth in 6 days, rests on the 7th. God creates man and woman and gives them free will.
This bit is important.
Man USES free will!!! (gasp)
Now some Christians think that they, as a superior in holiness levels (because of some bizarre notion in there minds that they are after all higher than God AND the Pope) have the right to rid us of this free will.
Don't get me wrong, I am a Christian, and I have nothing against my own religion. I'm against extreme Christians who give the rest of us Christians a bad name. When extremist Christians come to you telling you you can't watch a film due to the sex scene it gets ridiculous.
The other day I was watching Watchmen with friends and for those who have seen it, it has a pretty dodgy sex scene in it. It's an amazing film, stylistically made, good acting by actors essentially unseen elsewhere. The next day I ask Mister Higher-than-the-Pope himself if he enjoyed what he'd seen of said film, and was surprised when he said "No, I didn't need to see all that nudity really." It still didn't click with me that he'd stormed out in the nudity scene, until break time when he came and told me that as Christians we shouldn't be watching that sort of thing because it doesn't teach good morals.
He says that he doesn't like sex scenes if they aren't done tastefully.
However, after my initial annoyance (which lasted 3 months) i took pleasure in the fact that Sin City is the film adaptation of his favourite graphic novel and also has dodgy sex scenes in it, he would say. I told him Sin City is really good except the sex scene and he said "yeah I don't really want to see it though."
But its not the only thing he's ever done to annoy me.
He told me off for listening to the Rolling Stones.
He sent my self conscious and unconfident (but wonderful) friend a letter asking why she doesn't treat him like she treats me, and that me and her are closer than he and her, and why is this? (Hrmmmm, probably because she doesn't want to be treated like a cat, so stop petting her and see how that goes) This was followed by a phone call which made her feel pressurized into promising she'll change.
He hugs and pets this girl and tells her he imagines her napping even though they don't really get on and she is CLEARLY uncomfortable with it all.
AND other stuff as well.
Anyhoo, I'll post this up when I no longer know the guy, but I get the feeling he'd know who he is if he ever read this.
SO Yeh, i'm two faced and I'm bitchin' now, but if he is reading this then maybe he'll take a hint...
Or more than a hint as it turns out.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Blog 19: Prescribed Fun
Why do I get myself into the stupidest situations?
My mum and my sister decided to go away to a camp during the Easter holidays to get her used to half-extreme sports such as rock climbing, abseiling, etc, and being the adventurous person that I am I thought that there could be no harm in a little abseiling trip.
I mentioned to my sister that the trip sounded like fun, and it would be pretty fun. My mum asked if I would like to go, I said “why not” and then asked nothing more of it.
The time came that we had to leave. All happy that we were off on a little excursion, I hopped in the car with my laptop, music, stuff to read, an Iron Man DVD and off we went as if we were straight out of a Cliff Richard song.
In the car when we were about half hour away, I asked my mum to see the brochure, and then it dawned on me that we were off to a family activity place, set up mainly for children and their parents, where you were forced to have fun, or else. My stomach twisted, lurched...I panicked. “What have I done?” I asked myself.
On arrival, I found that the place we were staying was basically a Gulag, as shown in the photos and videos. It was scary. Blue-garbed guards patrolled around; one had a Mohawk which was all red and tall and I didn’t like him one bit. The guard who guarded us was called Mawry or something, and decided to offer me some orange squash on arrival, despite my obvious beard, and also was kind enough to knock on my door 10 minutes before 7.30 to let me know that dinner was in 10 minutes time, as if I couldn’t work out that dinner at the predestined time of 7.30 was going to be at 7.30.
Dinner itself sucked; it was the sort of dinner you’d give someone that you wouldn’t mind annoying or not treating very well because you know they’ll die during the night anyway.
Later that evening, which is as I write this, I was invited to join in activities and play with my 4 year old “peers” in an evening of prescribed fun. It all sounded jolly, but unfortunately I had to try and go on the internet to escape the reality of where I was.
Foolishly, I forgot that the place we were at was in the middle of nowhere, Lincolnshire, and of course, phone reception and wireless internet access is still something from the Terminator films out here.
So I stayed in a while, until I was intrigued to go outside to see if I could find reception elsewhere.
Outside was haunting. Although I knew inside that the screams were of joy, I couldn’t tell whether they were actually joyful, or screams of people dying. It was horrible, and I mean it without any exaggeration at all. The heavy spotlights beaming down on me, casting areas in deep shadow and other areas in bright piercing light, again, like a Gulag or death camp, and the tall “high ropes” course like a sentry tower, as shown in the pictures, together with the screams made me feel very frightened to be honest, so I walked (briskly) back to my deserted 6 bed room, complete with dust, one duvet and pillow, and half eaten skittle, and sat down on a mattress on the floor and typed this up. I can still hear screaming from outside.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Blog 18: Social Butterfly, or Wasp?
Well this is sort of a follow up rant about that very same boss.
I'm quite a talkative guy, as you may have been able to tell from the endless chatter on this blog, and this gets me into trouble at times at work, as I chat more than work sometimes. However, it has become somewhat exaggerated by the bosses.
3 or 4 times in a year I have been told to not chat...I think that's pretty good...
However, apparently, this is too much, and it has become apparent to my boss that I am something of a troublemaker.
So now he thinks I'm behind everything...and I'm unfairly treated as a result. For example, I now frequently put eggs out (they're on a different aisle) so I am seperated from others. Similarly I have to put fish out whilst the boss is upstairs in the morning, and whilst everyone else is the other end of the aisle, again being seperated.
Moreover, twice I have been told off for being, like 3 or 4 minutes late to work even though I have a colleague who was an HOUR AND A HALF late and got off scot free 'cos she apologised. I even worked ten minutes after my usual finish time to make up for it...yet its not good enough...
The other instance was when my colleague went up for lunch (we have an hour) and then I went up a couple of minutes later...
I came down 1h3mins later, and he came 2 minutes after that...guess who gets told off?
The other day we were all restacking a cage, which for some reason my colleague decided to set up a rather impressive conveyor belt system, only with people, and when my boss' boss saw us, he told our boss, and guess who got told off? Me. As if I was in charge, or the ringleader, when the reality is I was manipulated into it.
I can't quite put my finger on the reason for his judgement. Maybe it's my long hair, or my reluctance to shave for work, or perhaps the Che Guevara wrist band I occasionally wear.
I only wear it because it has nice colours.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Blog 17: Fatty Mc Fat Fat
As if that is the single thing affecting the weight of kids nowadays; mcdonald's ain't nuthin to do with it, and neither is lack of excersise, it's all freaking chocolate?
I know the real reason for child obesity. It's simple:
We all remember the days (heck I still get 'em) when we're in our PE lesson and we're made to play a sport which we're not good at. The sporty kids, yeh, woo-hoo, they're amazing, they have loads of fun, yippy doo excellent well done have a rabbit.
HOWEVER, the less sporty kids are left alone, not being picked for teams, not having the ball passed to them, and therefore not being able to run and get excersise, and also becoming depressed at a) the fact they suck, and b) the fact that nobody likes them cos they suck.
SO what do they do? They get all upset and everyone knows the ONLY solution to depression is eating. They begin to eat.
The more they eat, the fatter they get. The fatter they get, the less able they are at sport, the less they get passed to, the less happy they are with themselves, the more depressed they are, the more they eat, and so on.
It's a vicous circle.
Monday, 23 February 2009
Blog 16: Teacher Creature

Sunday, 15 February 2009
Blog 15: The End?
I got a new phone and a new number, so the silly italian stalker can't text me now. HAHAHA!
Victory tastes so sweet.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Blog 14: Part 2 of Terror Mail
THE SECOND LETTER to fall through my letterbox was similar in length. It was a reply. Naive and Ignorant as I was, I replied to the first letter (although didn't answer some queries like "my favourite animal or colours of my flowers) and in due course received a second.
Let's read some shall we?
"Don't worry for late letter. (I remember at first I couldn't be bothered to reply until my Dad made me) You successful exams?...Very happy for to the passion for graphic. We are graphic, fantastic. (Hang on; just 'cos your name is Tits Von Titbank doesn't mean we are graphic!)
Where do you go on holiday? I go to the sea and mountains (and roam in the wilderness with my monkey friends and eat raw fish and prawns on wood) is very beautiful.
What your favourite food in Harpenden? (so you do know the name of the town, you just address it as Harpender for kicks) Do you like peugcent (I can't make out the word) Parlami un po di te (meaning tell me a little about yourself...no thanks)
Do you like horror film? (Why, are you the next serial killer?) What are you going to wear? (?) What you like to wear?"
She then repeats herself about what she likes to wear, see first letter in Blog 13.
"Whats your favourite dog? (?) My favourtie dog is Saturdog (Oh...you mean DAY)."
Now, I said earlier that in my first (and only) reply I decided not to answer the question about animals, or colours, assuming she was just practicing english, and she won't be THAT bothered if I didn't tell her, because it's just not what us grown ups talk about. (It's a leopard and it's green)
So, she then writes;
"Whats the favourite animal?
Whats the favourite colour?
I think che sei (that you are) very nice (...)
Puoi (Can you) spend one you foto? thanks."
This letter and some wierd texts that I have mentioned in Blog 12 led me to believe the woman was crazy, and therefore to stop writing.
And then came one of the most worrying letters ever.
Why you haven't to asked sms and call? What's successful?
S hope che you haven't successful (?)
You writting immediately, I am very very worry (it took me ages to figure out it says worry. It looks like wong, wony, wany, but not worry) for you!
I write very little because I don't know come mai (why you haven't) you haven't writting.
P.S. you letter didn't arrive my home, you l'hai writting a me?"
The letter fortunately wasn't written in her own feces, but I expect the next one will be.
Blog 13: A Follow Up
and I came across 3 letters, addressed to me, with the tell-tale Italian stamps that could only mean it was the letters of the stalker...(you might need to read blog 12)
I remember keeping onto them so that if I ever needed to sue or something it could be evidence...
ANYHOO, I thought I'd type up some extracts just so you can really experience the mental.
One thing I found funny was my address on the front. "Harpender" is not a place, and she must have realised this after a while, so she changed it to "Harpende". I laughed.
Anyhoo, let's take a little look shall we? I shall comment in brackets.
My name is _________ nickname is titti (?).,(nice punctuation there tits mcgee) I'm 17 yeoars old and you? my favourite band is Somohe is very beautiful. (?)
My favourite colour (you're 17?) is red and pink (that's two). I haven't brother and sister.
My date of birthday is ____ and you? (again with the and you?) I live is _________is very beautiful. I sono (ok, just shove some italian in there. Is it that hard to write "am"?) height 1,63. My colour hair is short brown...I sono very thin, and you? (no comment)
I like wearing: trousers, T-shirt, boots, belt, con (your guess is as good as mine).
I didn't like jeans. (?)
What's the weather like in London (well I live in Harpender so I clearly don't know at this point. Why don't you google it, like I'd have to?)"
This goes on. I've written half a sheet of A5 in her handwriting here. The letter is 1 and 3/4 sheets.
Some other funny things asked of me are;
"What favourite animals? My favourite animals is: dog, robbit, kangaroon, cat, koala, bird. I have two goldfish. And you have animals?"
"You have a nintendo DS?"
Other things I learnt were "My house is very big with garden rich flowers colours: red, yellow, purple."
That was the FIRST of 3 letters, and many texts.
The second and third letter will feature later....WATCH THIS SPACE. Right now I'm off to watch a film...
Monday, 19 January 2009
Blog 12: Rational Fears
It all began when my Dad, who is Italian, told his mother (my nan) that her friend's daughter could have my address and phone number so I could be her pen friend.
He never asked me, so when a letter came through from a certain Italian girl who knew my address, and knew what my plans for the future were, I was slightly put out.
In fact, I freaked out. But this was after I read the letter.
The letter itself, although barely comprehensible due to the horrid mix of Italian and non-English, began normally.
However, it very quickly digressed into a question and answer sesh, which firstly I didn't care about and secondly was too wierd.
An example question would be "I have a garden with flowers that are blue and white and yellow, and you?"
I couldn't tell you what colour flowers are in my garden unless I went outside and looked, and even if I knew, I wouldn't think that anyone else gives a carnation about it.
Anyway, so 'cos I'm quite nice, I wrote back, and answered the questions that weren't too scary.
And she wrote back again, and because I am busy and have no care in the world for what books she has in her room "and you?" I didn't write back for a while (and eventually for ever).
Then the texts began. Constant texts unless I replied asking why I hadn't.
Again at first I answerd about 5, but on the 5th she asked me what I thought of her nickname "Titti" and how I imagined her.
That was it.
I didn't answer.
Despite the 18 texts in one monday afternoon from about 5.30 until 2 in the MORNING, I did not respond.
These texts would frequently be followed by a phone call and then her putting the phone down, just so my ringtone went off and I knew I had a text. I don't understand what isn't hint enough about 3 months of not responding. TRUST ME, I'VE LOOKED AT MY PHONE AT LEAST ONCE IN THOSE THREE MONTHS. I'M NOT ANSWERING.
The texts still came, and kept coming until I decided to take action.
I spoke to my Dad, who spoke to my nan, who spoke to psycho girl's mum who presumably spoke to her because it stopped (although not after a voice message which revealed her voice to be something not to dissimilar from Bruce Willis', but just a TAD less girly.)
I was finally free.
Or so I thought.
Months later. My guard was down. I was watching some TV and something buzzed in my pocket.
"What's that?" I asked quizzically, and pulled out my phone.
I realised with great joy I had received a text from...wait a minute...+39...not+44? Wait that...that is an ITALIAN NUMBER OH NO IT'S DOOM AGAIN.
I read the text, where she quite emotionally asked why I didn't respond. She asked if something happened. I decided to leave it, and play it as if I had died. That way she'd eventually leave me alone.
Nope. She rang and hung up.
And then it did stop.
And that is the story of my mental Italian stalker I had and possibly still have. But all this made me wonder...what is going through that girl's mind right now?
She's probably in her backgarden burying a pebble with "Mike" written on it in mud, whilst weeping. Then she'll probably go home, have dinner, then go out about town and eat somebody's leg.
But whatever she is doing, hopefully she doesn't text me...
"I ate some very nice human leg today. Gypsie is my favourite....and you?"
Friday, 16 January 2009
Blog 10: New Year, New Rants (Finally)
Ok, first, I must make my apologies to my loyal fan club of TWO...
I'm sorry I haven't ranted for a long time...
I do have some rants now though so I can whack 'em up...
Get ready for the first rants of 2009...
So, my first rant is at the WORLD GOING MAD with privacy invasion. Obvious example is the banning of TRAINSPOTTERS; I know there is potentially a risk, but Timmy El Nerd isn't going to be it is he?
Trainspotters if anything can HELP against terrorism because they can spot things wrong with trains. We should utilise this (arguably wierd) hobby for the better. Not ban them.
I mean, ok I don't know what would possess someone to pursue this hobby, but if they enjoy it, fair enough, let 'em get on with it.
Leave 'em alone.
Another example is the recent suspension and discussed expulsion of students who joined a group on facebook declaring their dislike for a teacher of theirs. This happened in a school in London, which I won't name, but although I was completely unaffected as with Trainspotters, I got a bit annoyed.
Firstly, how was this discovered? It's illegal for a teacher to be in this sort of social contact with pupils until they have left school, and you can't look at what groups people are in without them accepting you as a friend...
Even if thats manageable legally (perhaps through old pupils at the school) it is a STUDENT SOCIAL WBSITE. Ok, if a teacher wants in, fine, but they cannot complain if they discover that they are unpopular with pupils. SOME PEOPLE ARE. Get used to it.
Thirdly, these pupils have a right to express their opinions; hence the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION in this country. THIS MEANS THAT as long as they are not inciting hatred towards a person or group, or violence, they can say whatever they want.
An example would be if a man was to say "I hate frogs" (for arguments sake), then (if frogs had the same rights as us) THAT would be absolutely ok. If he had said "I hate frogs, let's go kill 'em all"- That is when it becomes illegal.
Get on with it.