
Hello everyone, thanks for coming! This is my blog, it's where I largely write about things that maybe 3 people read, but I do it anyway because they matter. Have a flick through, read ones with interesting titles, and check by every once in a while and see if there's any more. You can also follow me on twitter at @MikePasquale or you can visit my website which has got all my illustration on it: www.smash-rockets-to-mars.co.uk

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Tuesday 5 May 2009

Blog 25: SPECIAL 25TH BLOG!!!!

It's time for a miniature celebration as I reach my 25th Blog! I know it's not 50 or 100, but...well it's 25! 
To celebrate I have some more letters. This is the extent of my wrongdoings at primary school. But it is a tale I love to tell and it is done in a way I've never done before; through the letters of my old headmistress.

Here we go!

9 February 2000

Dear Mr & Mrs Pasquale

I am afraid that Michael has had his name entered in the behaviour book for the third time and as a result has been given a yellow report card.

This card has to be signed by me at the end of each day and this may mean that he will be a few minutes later coming out of school.

He must achieve five consecutive days of good reports before the card will be withdrawn. In the meantime I am afraid that he is not entitled to stay for any after school clubs to which he may belong.

If you would like to know the reasons for the entries in the behaviour book I will be happy to talk to you about them.

Yours sincerely


I don't remember why I got in the "Black Book" as we called it.
I remember I once got in there for drawing a snowman with a speech bubble coming from its bottom reading "fart", although wether this was the same year and therefore one of the three entries, I can't remember.

Anyway, I was worried. My parents would KILL me if they found out about this, I thought, so I did the clever thing.
I didn't show it to them and lived out my sentence without them knowing.
I got away with it for a while.
The closest shave was when my mum came into school on National Reading Day or something and saw me outside the Headmistress' office, but I quickly tucked the yellow card behind my back and said I was there for a "Well Done" sticker, the highest reward.

I did my time, and everything went back to normal, until parent's evening, which went a little something like this.

Teacher: "Hello Mr Pasquale, Mrs Pasquale. Hi, Michael. 
Take a seat, please.
Now, as you well know, Michael has been on a yellow report card this term-"
Mum: "WHAT?"
Mike: (Oh crap)

SO I got found out in the end.
And consequently another letter got sent out.

17 February 2000 (That's a whole 8 days I got away with it for!)

Dear Mr & Mrs Pasquale,

I was concerned to hear from Mrs B last night that you were not aware that Michael was on a yellow card.

When a child is put on a card I write a letter to the parents informing them and giving them the opportunity to discuss the matter with me. I have questioned Michael this morning regarding the letter that I wrote on the 9 February and he has admitted (note she only found it 'cos I told her) that he hid it behind a bookcase in the library (HA! Vive la revolution!) We have retrieved it and I am enclosing it with this letter.

He should have come off his card today but in view of what has happened I feel he should stay on it for another week. I think Mrs B probably explained why he was on it in the first place but if you still want to discuss the matter with me I am happy to arrange a time convenient to us both.

Yours sincerely


AND THAT is the saga of the yellow report card. It's one of my favorite adventures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HAHAHA you are so funny Mikey! Didn't know you were that naughty though! ;-)