
Hello everyone, thanks for coming! This is my blog, it's where I largely write about things that maybe 3 people read, but I do it anyway because they matter. Have a flick through, read ones with interesting titles, and check by every once in a while and see if there's any more. You can also follow me on twitter at @MikePasquale or you can visit my website which has got all my illustration on it: www.smash-rockets-to-mars.co.uk

Anyway, thanks again, and hope you enjoy your reading!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Blog 58: Baby Showers

My friends found a site recently where you can make babies with pictures of yourself and celebrities. I decided to go on just to prove once and for all that ed cullen is better than jacob. Here are the results. The first is mine and edward's, a gorgeous baby, reminiscent of an angel from heaven. The second is mine and jacob's. Lets just say I didn't like it as much. So I did an abortion, even though technically, it was a bit too late for one.

ANYHOO as I became more and more captivated with this gadget I decided to go on a quest to find which celebrity could provide me with the most attractive baby. This post is mainly pictures of all my gorgeous and fictitious children.

Me and Jacko:

Me and the chinese one off Charlie's Angels...

Me and Neo:

Follow the white rabbit Neo...

Me and Batman's Batbaby:

The First Baby:

Me and Angelina Jolie's Baby:


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