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Tuesday 18 January 2011

Blog 97: 3

I just had an exam for my University course and one of the questions was either really difficult and I was missing something major in my revision, or it was the easiest question in the WORLD.
It still annoyed me though.

The question was: "What do you think the world will be like in 2025."

Well here's my answer.

"I personally believe the world will end in 2012, like the aztecs. (Not really) But for the purpose of this question let's assume that the prediction is not 100% definitely going to happen.

I think the world in the future will be a very different place. The main difference is that machines will rule the world, and they will keep the humans in pods and this will be how they make energy, because we will have run out of oil and other fossil fuels. The machines will plug the humans into a computer program, which means the humans will think they are living a life similar to a life lived by someone from the 1990s.

There will be some humans who have resisted the machines rule and live in a city called Zion. One of these will wear a Guy Fawkes mask and be called V. He will take a young girl hostage and then blow up the Houses of Parliament, for some reason.

There will be another man, called Morpheus. He will go into the computer program and find the One who will fight the machines.

The Machines will react violently, sending a giant austrian robot back to the 80s to kill Sarah Connor, who is someone's mum. The humans send V back with Kyle Reese to stop him, but Kyle ends up having it away with Sarah. They beat the robot, but he comes back to fight a police robot, who is Robocops friend.

I would like to say that they will have suits made of metal that can fly, not dissimilar to Iron Man, but of course that is unrealistic and wouldn't happen, no matter how much we want it. Instead we will have to defeat the aliens on Sigourney Weaver's ship without high tech suits, but it should be ok because as soon as it lands on Pandora the Na'vi will be waiting."

That's what I think will happen. You can't fault it, it's in movies.

1 comment:

Raechel said...

YEAHHHH!! Hollywood is where it's at, bro-skies!