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Monday 24 January 2011

Blog 98: 2

I bought a game the other day and it was delivered (somehow) yesterday, despite it being sunday. It's Aliens Vs Predator, for anyone who's interested.

It is a good game, it's good fun being the humans, but it is also the most terrifying thing anyone could ever do in the world ever. I was sat in the dark in my room mesmerized by the horror as I wandered through dark space corridors listening intently to my motion sensor for the dreaded beeping that means a vicious lizardy-insect is coming at me to chew off my face. Every once in a while you are fortunate to rendez-vous with some other humans with guns, and it's the most satisfying and relieving thing in the world, until shortly after they are ripped to shreds, mashed and stolen right in front of your eyes, living you with the aliens coming at you and your tiny little pistol.

I don't know what in the world SEGA thought was a good idea about making a game which leaves people in puddles of their own hard-earned urine, but for some reason it works. I didn't sleep much last night though.

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