
Hello everyone, thanks for coming! This is my blog, it's where I largely write about things that maybe 3 people read, but I do it anyway because they matter. Have a flick through, read ones with interesting titles, and check by every once in a while and see if there's any more. You can also follow me on twitter at @MikePasquale or you can visit my website which has got all my illustration on it: www.smash-rockets-to-mars.co.uk

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Monday 24 January 2011

Blog 99: 1

In the song "Mr. Brownstone" Axl Rose boasts about his addiction to heroine and how it affected his life and the band's life, saying "I get up around 7, I get out of bed around 9."

Now is it just me, or is that really not that bad@$$ for an 80s metal band? As much as I love good ol' pre-axl-rose-going-mental and slash leaving Guns N' Roses, getting up at 7 and getting out of bed at 9 is well pansy. Just today I woke up at 9 and only just now got out of bed, and as I write this it's 12:37. And the worst drug I take is Weetabix, and the Morrison's value version at that. I don't know why they were often 3 hours late to gigs when they had all that time since their early rise-n-shinin' at 9 until the evening, where all they did was probably snort powders and bang ladies with massive hair-do's.

On a smaller note, you may have noticed it's my 99th blog. And obviously, that means that the next one will be my 100th. And I know I broke my New Year's Eve promise to upload 100 by midnight of the last day of 2010, but this Friday I am turning 20, and so I think that would be a similar excuse for me to upload my 100th blog. So keep reading.

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