
Hello everyone, thanks for coming! This is my blog, it's where I largely write about things that maybe 3 people read, but I do it anyway because they matter. Have a flick through, read ones with interesting titles, and check by every once in a while and see if there's any more. You can also follow me on twitter at @MikePasquale or you can visit my website which has got all my illustration on it: www.smash-rockets-to-mars.co.uk

Anyway, thanks again, and hope you enjoy your reading!

Saturday 10 October 2009

Blog 30: The End is the Beginning

As a new student, having been here coming up to 3 weeks, I've changed already.
My sleeping and eating habits are bizarre. My standard day lasts from 11am to 2am, but every now and then a 9am lectures thrown into the mixer and so I get ridiculously tired. I've begun eating breakfast at midday, lunch at 5pm and dinner at 10pm, which is just wierd. Today I woke up at 12:01 exactly, got up, ate some chocolate and sat on my computer for an hour. My curtains are still shut and I'm still in my boxers.
I've already stayed up til 5 twice; one of those times I just played God of War from start to finish until 5.30, the other, I'm not really sure how I spent that long setting up a deviant art account, but I did. (If you're interested, the link http://smash-rocket-to-mars.deviantart.com/ ... shameless plugging there..)
I have no idea what the weather is like outside.

Now some of the sharper ones among you will be thinking why did he choose that title for this blog? WELL! As you may have noticed, with this blog I celebrate (by having a pot noodle) my 30th BLOG POST! But because I've been neglecting you wonderful readers for some time now due to not enough rants, I've lined up a little something special for you whilst I store up some more rants.
The next blog I post will see the start of a diary I kept about a friend of mine for a while back this year. It documents things he did and I really feel it captures his true self in a penetrative and revealing manner which no amount of film or socialising could do. So the next time I post a blog it will be the first in the series of THE TREVOR DIARIES! I'm excited.

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