
Hello everyone, thanks for coming! This is my blog, it's where I largely write about things that maybe 3 people read, but I do it anyway because they matter. Have a flick through, read ones with interesting titles, and check by every once in a while and see if there's any more. You can also follow me on twitter at @MikePasquale or you can visit my website which has got all my illustration on it: www.smash-rockets-to-mars.co.uk

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Friday 5 September 2008

Blog 3: Cheer Up!

Why's Everyone so unhappy all the time? What does it cost to simply SMILE! instead of frowning, or saying hi as you see someone? Why does everyone have to moan and moan and winge about money and stuff, it's not that important! When your gone, what's money gonna do? Why do people moan about the government and how Gordon Brown has made mistakes, when, actually, the standard of living in England is one of the best in the world? Let's face it, for most of us, Life isn't that hard. It's boring, but if we all cheered up a little and smiled and had a laugh, and took things less seriously, then perhaps it wouldn't be so boring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here here, I'm all for some positivity, it can be hell when everyone's being miserable, I'm with you on this one!