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Friday 5 September 2008

Blog 6: Another Rant

You know what I really can't stand? Old people who think all young people are bad. They seem to forget that they too once were our age, and many of them probably rebelled at some point in their lives... in fact, THEY were the ones who led the 60s with the free love and the drugs etc, not us, and our decade is NOTHING compared to the horrors that happened then (although the 60s IS my favorite decade, i am empathizing with the old people in them days.) I just dislike it when they think kids are all bad! At our school we have to dress nicely and on the end of term, we get to go home early, but we have to go home, and then get changed, and then come back out for any fun stuff going on, because grannies get scared of large groups, and if those large groups are in our uniform, they complain. Well, i think that one 50 year old guy can be as dangerous as 16 16 year olds, and can't understand why they assume we are worse. I know some old people who treat teenagers like people, (which we are, unbelievably) and this is the right way. By all means, if you get to know someone and they are a stupid teenager who is living a bad, rebel life, you can voice your opinion about them being a rapscallion, but i know loads of kids who aren't. Some old folk get to know you before they judge you, and funny enough, these are the old folk we respect, and therefore, even if we DO have rebellious ways and non-conformist attitudes at our awkward stage in life, we don't want to rebel against these people 'cos they respect us and our views, and we respect them back. Any old guy comes to me and unfairly accuses me of being a rapscallion, and well, I'm gonna rapscallionate him, that's for sure, because I will think he is a git and I won't respect him. That's not just with old folk: if anyone does that then I am not gonna make any effort to try and appease their views. If someone is SO stuck in their view that we're bad eggs, so be it. We don't want that culture shock thing to happen, and then they end up going insane with the sudden realization that actually we're not bad eggs, so I'll act like a bad egg to keep up the illusion they're under. That's the way I roll. I think this should be called a Rant rather than a blog, as that is essentially what it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have pinpointed exactly what one of my as yet un-published commentaries are about my friend!
'The Swingin' Sixties got us all Swung Out' So why the hell when they started all this, are they having a go at innocent kids who actually most likely aren't up to anything dodgy thank you very much!