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Wednesday 9 June 2010

Blog 76: Good Guess

So at least I'm not paranoid. The Second Saga of a Stalker is here, with updates with my new friend Iqbal.

Already I'm puzzled why he wants to know if I have child, I dunno where I got the idea that I ight have a child from, but then I told him I know nobody called Iqbal.

He then asked "Why? In there no name Iqbal"

I don't know what that means, but I guessed and replied "Well no, it's just I know nobody called Iqbal and so it's really confusing when an Iqbal starts talking to me, why are you messaging me?"

To which he replied "Only just enough to wish know".

Now what the fudge is that supposed to mean. Is it meant to sound sexy and mysterious? 'Cos it just sounds like Yoda tried and failed to teach you English. It sounds like John Prescott.

I said "um What?" which I think is an average reaction, and he replied "No... (which doesn't answer any question) your name michael? (well, yeah, that's why my name is michael on facebook) you have boyfriend?"

Now this made me worried. I think either someone's messing me around here (probably, not even gays like me) BUT if it ISN'T and this guy is genuinely having a go, then what the fudge? Why does he think I might be gay, and why would he message me on the off chance that I'm a massive gayer who is really desperate (which actually, apart from the gay bit, is nearly true)...

I have nothing against gay people at all, but I'm not one, so I dunno why he thought I might be worth asking. Which worries me, 'cos maybe that's why I get no girl attention if they all think I'm not interested...

Anyway, I told him that I have a million boyfriends, sorry, but I'm unavailable.

Hopefully he'll leave me alone, but of course, he probably won't, because he wouldn't be a very good weirdo if he did that.

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