
Hello everyone, thanks for coming! This is my blog, it's where I largely write about things that maybe 3 people read, but I do it anyway because they matter. Have a flick through, read ones with interesting titles, and check by every once in a while and see if there's any more. You can also follow me on twitter at @MikePasquale or you can visit my website which has got all my illustration on it: www.smash-rockets-to-mars.co.uk

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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Blog 102: Is This Sparta?

I know, and I apologise.
But there's not much to rant about at the mo! I'm worried. I've run out of stuff to rant about and I'm only 20, so what on earth am I gonna do when I'm like, 80?

Anyways, thankfully, the drunk people of Leeds have come to a temporary rescue...

Last night I trundled off to the cinema to see Rango and had a wonderful evening, but unfortunately, just like any other evening, it had to end, and I had to walk home.

Since living in a city rather than my real home in like, a rubbish little town, I enjoy walking places now, ESPECIALLY at night, just because of all the funny people, who are made even funnier when drunk.

One girl was trundling along and all of a sudden her heel collapsed on her and she fell over. Being a true hero :D I, well, I didn't run, but I walked swiftly over to make sure she was ok and see if she needed any help.

"Are you alright?" I enquired.
"Yes thanks" she replied.
"Need any help getting up?"
"Oh...ok then..."

I didn't know what to do... so I just walked off. Then I felt bad, but its not like I had much option...

Anyway, the highlight of my walk home was the people walking in the opposite direction kitted out in the 300 Spartan's gear... sort of ...boxers and capes aren't completely accurate, and I don't remember King Leonidas sporting the Umbro brand on the front of his panties, but you got the gist of who they were meant to be.

There was about 20 of these spartans, wandering into town, and one of them I noticed, stepped off the path into a shady corner.

Uh oh, I thought, perhaps he's betraying them like that little hunchbacked guy in the film... Or maybe he's ambushing me, and they've mistook me for a persian... So I was wary...

Of course, it wasn't this. It was just that this particular Spartan needed a wee. So he went and weed on a church (not the best place to wee... the worst thing that can happen when you wee on most buildings is you get told off, but weeing on a church is never gonna be a good idea is it...) and I realised these guys weren't the hardened warriors from the film, but just a load of drunk students without six packs.

What they were, were 20 boys, dressed in nothing but boxers and a cape, just them, some boys. Going for a walk, basically naked. Not the coolest thing to do.

As the guy weed all over the church, I was waiting for him to turn it round and make it epic, to give me some hope that they haven't misunderstood the film entirely (anyone who's seen the film will understand that the message is to make EVERYTHING epic). But alas, he didn't shout "TONIGHT WE PISS IN HELL". Nah, that night he just narrowly avoided pissing himself.

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